Virgo New Moon:
Heart-filled Clarity

by Juliana McCarthy

September 9. 2018 — A Virgo New Moon arrives on Sunday, forming an opposition to dreamy Neptune. While Virgo is organized with firm boundaries, Neptune is the opposite—blurry and nebulous. These energies are now generating creative tension. The key question is: 

How we can apply Virgo’s stability to clarify our future trajectories and cut through our fog?

Saturn stationed direct this week. Whether good or bad, karma is now ripening. It’s time to reap the rewards of our integrity and hard work—or experience the consequences of avoiding them. Either way, Saturn and Mars are now direct, and we’re finally moving forward at a steady pace. 

Venus moves into Scorpio during this New Moon, rousing our passions and sexual energies. At the same time, Venus and Uranus activate Mars in a powerful T-Square. We’re preparing to catapult into the future, with newfound trajectories, impulses, and desires. It’s time to go after what we want, without fearing others’ judgements. We’re breaking out of ruts, and experiencing major breakthroughs in the realms of love, peace, and creativity. Now, we might ask:

What kinds of lives, relationships, and worlds are we ready to envision and bring into the world? 

On this Virgo New Moon, we can easily blend the warmth of our compassion with cool intellect. Newfound clarity is striking, with the potential for deep healing in our bodies, hearts, and minds. With Neptune in the mix, it’s important to remember our vastness and interconnection as we tend to the mundane details of our lives. While organizing and planning for the future, we can stop to feel our hearts expand. We can remember the profundity of our being as we carefully lay new foundations. 

On this Virgo New Moon, may we blend heart and mind, magic and strategy. May we face ourselves with truth and courage as we charge into the future—beaming with light, clear vision, and inspiration. 

To schedule an astrology reading with Juliana, visit here, or write:

My book, The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology, is now available for pre-order!