September 2019 Newsletter
Juliana McCarthy


Happy September!

We’re learning to flow this month, finding the balance between boundaried self-care and ample pleasure. We’re reprioritizing—taking more time to relax and reconnect with stillness and joy. We might do body scans, locating and releasing any tension we find—in our heads, faces, bodies, and organs.

How can we surrender more, accepting what is, with less fear? How can we trust the Universe and our natural unfoldment?

Meanwhile, it’s important to note that many are feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the world and our own internal states. If we can see beyond our Virgoan anxiety, we might realize that we’re on the precipice of great change—bringing a better paradigm into being. Now is not the time to give up, but to foster whatever we need to ground and take care of ourselvesspirituallyemotionally, and physically...

Read more about the Astrology of September in my article.


  • I have events coming up in Tuscon, Arizona, and Boulder, Colorado, in October. Check my Events Page for my schedule. I'll post more details soon!


This month, I'll be in Boulder, Colorado and Los Angeles. You can sign up for online astrology readings and healing sessions here, or send me a message if you'd like to book in person


September begins with a stellium of planets in organized Virgo, challenged by dreamy, foggy Neptune in Pisces. We’re learning to balance our needs for boundaries, routine, improvement, and self-care, with our idealism, flow, and acceptance. We’re allowing ourselves to grieve and release all that’s falling away as we find the discipline to return to center and ask for what we need. So much healing is possible this month—in our physical bodies, psyches, and relationships. Strong tensions are showing up between the old paradigm and the new, which is beginning to glimmer on the horizon. The third and final conjunction between Saturn and the South Node will form at the end of the month, helping us release heavy karma, patterns, and addictions, so we can make way for greater vulnerability and emotional fluidity. If we’ve been feeling old wounds around childhood and societal traumas, abuse, and oppression arise, it’s for a reason. We’re healing our inner children, which will ultimately benefit the world. Healing crises are here to wake us up and spur our spiritual evolution and improvement in our lives. As we accept our own emotional depth and imperfections, we can then do this for others—helping our relationships, unraveling our aggression, and creating more unity in ourselves, our communities, and the world.

With the summer sun beaming down on our tired heads, may we find the balance between discipline and flow, improvement and acceptance. May we allow space to be our imperfect selves—truly lovable in the messiness of being human.

Read my full article on The Astrology of September here...
To schedule an Astrology Reading or Healing Sessionsign up here, or send me a message: 
