This article appears as Artefect No. 30 on Régime des Fleurs' website, linked here.

The month of November is ruled by Scorpio—sign of transformation, mystery, and depth. Like a vase of oleanders, its potency and poison are not readily apparent. Without our knowing, Scorpio pushes us into the underworld, making visible what we normally keep hidden. He offers portals that blast open our psyches to other dimensions, exposing secrets, while clearing the way for intimacy and regeneration. Thus begins our six-month journey into darkness before entering spring. We are walking into the night sky, afraid at first, accosted by the first chill of winter, but slowly we open to invisible currents, realizing that whatever we fear is only our minds. This is the key lesson that Scorpio presents: he grants courage to relate more honestly to ourselves and others, to look in the mirror and purge what no longer serves us. From here, we may experience rebirth and profound connection to others—all with the vulnerability of being perfectly exposed.

We enter November on the tail of a Scorpio New Moon, which has set the tone for creating healthier, more fulfilling relationships. With Jupiter in Libra, we are undergoing major work with regard to love—expanding, exploring, and reconstructing our relationship dynamics. We are calling in more appropriate partners, and braving difficult work to prepare ourselves for easier, more joyful, and heart-expanding connections.

As the month progresses, we enter a phase of sudden revolution. On November 8, the night of the presidential elections in the U.S., Mars enters freedom-loving, rebellious Aquarius. At this time, aggressive, masculine energies could encourage fighting against established systems, and a few days later, Jupiter and Uranus form a T-Square with Pluto—planet of destruction and power. Hidden truths could be exposed, eliciting shock. However, since Jupiter is in harmonious Libra, these energies could work toward healthy, though radical, changes, both societally and personally. If we need to face difficult truths, or release and transform anything at all, this month is beautifully supportive of both surrender and revolution. The key is to unify, to reconcile conflicting parts of ourselves, and to work toward understanding each other’s points of view. Ultimately, there is no greater power than love, and as Pluto continues to burn away all that is out of integrity, our fear begins to alchemize, leaving love in its wake.

On November 12, Venus enters Capricorn, helping us to ground, to commit to our relationships, embrace hard work, and create peaceful structures for relating to one another. With the planet of love in the sign of the father, we may find masculine energies softening, as the feminine grows further into her power. The Taurus Full Moon on November 14 continues the themes of women’s rights and gender fluidity. That day, the Sun will conjunct Lilith, the independent, empowered, feminine goddess, while the Moon sextiles Chiron, which represents healing. As inevitable as the falling leaves, the feminine is beginning to obscure the masculine. She is working diligently to transform the rotting patriarchy into a ground of love and respect. Her layer of mulch is not hateful or vengeful; she is unassuming like the leaves, gently blanketing the old paradigm, until they merge into fertile oneness.

The New Moon on November 29 falls in Sagittarius, where it furthers the theme of merging. We are planting new seeds of philosophical outlook, exploring cultures, religions, and belief systems different from our own, while committing to mutual understanding and symbiosis. Adventure and uncharted territory unfold before us. As we lighten up from Sun in Scorpio into fiery, boundless Sagittarius, we can raise our sights to an exciting and unknown horizon. We are imagining the future, and since Scorpio has taught us of the power of mind, we may recognize that anything is possible now. The veils that separate our imaginations from reality—the invisible from what is tangible—are thin and flowing, and as the November breeze lifts them, exposing profundity and magic, our fixed minds may instantly dissolve to reveal our vast potential.


Scorpio heralds a six-month journey into darkness before Aries arrives, bringing in spring. What happens when the leaves die and fall to the ground? What happens when Pluto is in command, the small planet that constantly emits x-rays? This month is ready to expose us, to shake our dead leaves until all that remains is bare bones. November confronts us with our fear so we may release it and return to love. With Jupiter in Libra, and Scorpio piloting the ship, we are plunging deeper into a path of intimacy, creating new relationship paradigms, healing old wounds, and opening to a higher vibration of love and connection. While change may feel painful and uncertain, if we can conjure courage, we will grow into our true potential, and the strength of our unencumbered hearts.

As the crows circle overhead, searching for corpses, and deer delicately pick through the rotting apples, may we celebrate the inevitability of death, which in truth is not an ending, but an opening into other realms, and a chance for rebirth. In the darkness, the tangible is hard to see, while what is within us becomes illuminated. May we take this opportunity to discover that there is no difference between light and dark, as long as our hearts are open—as long as we touch in with fearlessness, saying yes to all that arises.

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