by Juliana McCarthy

Hilma af Klint

Hilma af Klint

May 9, 2016 — With five planets in retrograde over the past few weeks, our karma has been ripening left and right. We've had to face unresolved situations still looming and bring them to equilibrium. Past relationships, wrong doing—any unfinished business—has come to the surface for a reckoning.

This is all part of the Universe’s beautiful tapestry. It has been a perfect opportunity to purify and face ourselves in order to prepare for a new era. As we carefully observe ourselves and bring awareness to our darkest corners, we are now able to step into the light as we continue generating love for ourselves and all beings. This is perfect ground to begin a new cycle of humanity. After all, we can only connect with as much light as we have the darkness.

Luckily, Jupiter has just stationed direct, beginning the unraveling of this retrograde cycle. With the molasses-like pace of so many planets still in retrograde and Taurus still ruling, we may barely notice the difference. But the preparation work we’ve been force to do, the fine-tooth combing of our karma and subtlest corners, will begin to pay off. On the spirit level, it already has. Soon, our human selves and circumstances will reflect these shifts also.

Much love on your journey.

To book a reading, write Juliana to book a reading: juliana@etherealculture.com.