aquarius FULL MOON:
self-love for mankind

by Juliana McCarthy

Alexander Rodchenko, White Circle (1918)

Alexander Rodchenko, White Circle (1918)

August 18, 2016 — Today's Full Moon in Aquarius is particularly karmic. Barely an eclipse, the tiny crossing of the Moon over the Sun is still meaningful. Aquarius rules humanitarianism and global issues, so as Aquarius Moon crosses Leo Sun, altruism is eclipsing selfishness, purifying some of the neurotic attributes of the regal lion. Sandpapering our egos, boastfulness, and hubris, Aquarius is helping us to blend with the higher consciousness that is emerging. Now is the time to consider how we can healthily embody our inner Leos and step onstage for the benefit of humanity. How can we embrace our complex human selves with love and healthy pride—even our traumas, pain, and patterns of self-sabotage? If we fully feel whatever arises—fearlessly, like the lion—then we will transmute energy for everyone.

With Mars moving closer to Saturn, our karma is ripening especially fast. Our only task now is to muster our Leo courage so we can relax our bodies and face whatever challenging circumstances and emotions that arise. Then we can shine brightly, inspiring others to do the same.

Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, brings forth sudden awareness with the power, surprise, and illumination of lightning. Holding ground, feeling the arms of unconditional love around us, we can open our hearts and ride these big waves with joy and humor, reaching higher and higher frequencies of understanding.

Eclipse season has begun. We will continue to feel shaken out of our complacency and habitual patterns over the next month. May we relish this first leap.

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