September 2018 Newsletter
Juliana McCarthy



Happy September!

This month, we have the chance to  recalibrate and integrate after a volatile summer of eclipses and retrogradesupheaval and recalibration. We can now pull in the reins, with practical Virgo taking our hands, and a Grand Earth Trine offering stabilitysanity, and support

As we prepare for new chapters and phases, we might ask ourselves: 

How much can we remain open in the face of uncertainty?

How can we love ourselves through these transitions, while creating the livesrelationships, and selves we want to inhabit?

Relationship themes are strong, with Venus moving into intimate Scorpio and preparing to station retrograde. At the same time, Uranus is questioning how we relate to lovedesire, and values in general. 

Patience is key as we learn to approach our lives and each other with greater thoughtfulness, respect, and care. The Aries Full Moon toward the end of the month is an invitation to leap into action. Until then, it's time to ground and clean up our energetic baggage as we move closer to beginning the new paradigm...

Read more about the Astrology of September in my article.



I'm moving to Topanga, California, tomorrow! I'll still be in NYC once a month, but my home base is now Los Angeles. You can sign up for astrology readings and healing sessions via Zoom or Skype online as usualSend me a message if you'd like to meet in person. 


  • 15% discount off anything in the Ethereal Culture Shop. Use Discount Code: FALLSALE.

  • Check our my Patreon page for more offerings, including personalized monthly horoscopes and studying astrology with me.


September is a beautiful month for organization, as the planets assist us in finding sanity and clarity after a painful, difficult summer of retrogrades and eclipses. This summer brought ample tension as we’ve rapidly released old energies for the purpose of calling in the new. From this place of vulnerability, we can now pull our broken pieces into cohesion, with careful, logical Virgo is helping us regulate and find ground. On September 4, Saturn stations direct, endowing us with pragmatism. At the same time, a supremely stable Grand Earth trine helps us find order from the chaos. And on September 9, a Virgo New Moon assists us in cleaning up our energetic messes. We’re strategizing on how we will build our future while heeding our deepest desires. Uranus and Mars form their final square mid-month, moving us into greater sincerity and more authentic life paths, which align with our truest hearts. As we prepare for Venus’ retrograde next month, the Aries Full Moon on September 24 offers a powerful moment to reassess our relationships, becoming more courageous in our tenderness—freer to feel what we feel, without resistance. With deliberation and care, we’re beginning to chisel out the lives, relationships, and selves we want to inhabit. We’re discovering our true strength, which stems from allowing ourselves to be who we are, without fighting it. We’re loving ourselves more—and from here, releasing judgments about ourselves and each other, as we transition into greater acceptance, peace, harmony, and love.

Like rain trickling down mountaintops, may our paths emerge naturally and effortlessly. May we release our solid grips around who we’re supposed to be, emerging as kinder, gentler, and more receptive beings—more of who we really are.

Read my full article on The Astrology of September here...

To schedule an Astrology Reading or Healing Sessionsign up here, or send me a message: 
