Pisces full MOON + lunar ECLIPSE:
stepping out

by Juliana McCarthy

September 16, 2016 — Today is a Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. As the third eclipse of the past month, we have now reached the end of a magical eclipse season. Like peach preserves, we've felt our dramas, wounds, and relationships compressed and molecularly changed. We better understand our strengths and weaknesses; we've made peace with our desires; and we've deepened our self-acceptance. Now we are sweeter and more malleable–and ready for winter.

This has been a tedious year of purification. We've nitpicked ourselves and others—while course-correcting and self-improving with excruciating attention to detail. Now, as Pisces Moon and Virgo Sun both square Mars, we are looking up from our internal processes so we can leap into action. How are we going to show up for the world? How are we going to transform our dreams into actuality? Will we quit our day jobs to pursue our passions, express more joy and humor, bring together our communities? We don't need to explain our answers; we simply need to demonstrate them.

We have help from a couple of beautiful aspects, which are shining on today's Lunar Eclipse. Jupiter, planet of expansion and good fortune, is now in Libra, sign of harmony and love, and we are feeling more space, generosity, and assistance from others as we accomplish our desires. Venus is opposing Uranus, and we may be experiencing breakthroughs in love, creativity, self-worth, and finances.

However, with Chiron conjuncting the Moon, we may also feel some unhealed wounds activated. But this time, there's much less zing than usual. After a year of introspection, we are very familiar with our traumas. We've been reevaluating the past, releasing what no longer serves us, and becoming clearer on boundaries and how we would like to move forward. While this reemergence of wounding might feel like the grand finale of a fireworks display, we've been watching these fireworks for nine months straight. The feeling is: This is big, but so what?  

Maybe our family dynamics are rearing their painful heads, maybe our minds are ruminating over unhealed relationships. Whatever it is, we've got this. We know what to do, and we can bound ahead—lighter, clearer, and more supported than ever. We can drop the self-analysis, breathe a sigh of relief, and give ourselves credit for hard work and spiritual growth, as we continue making peace with ourselves. 

Now we can step into the roles we know are ours. Our spiritual and psychological work is manifesting as inspired activity, rather than ideas for the future. We are becoming the leaders and renegades of a new era, exemplifying hard-won wisdom for the benefit of all. While it may serve us to keep on nodding terms with our former selves, we are now at a turning point as we forge ahead—with optimism, exuberance, and joy.

To book a reading with Juliana, write: juliana@etheralculture.com.

To read about the Astrology of September, click here.