aquarius FULL MOON / lunar eclipse:
preparing for rebirth

by Juliana McCarthy

Roe Ethridge, Orange Grove #7

Roe Ethridge, Orange Grove #7

August 7, 2016 — The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse arrives on Monday, intensifying the usual magic, emotionalism, vulnerability, and revelatory qualities of a normal Full Moon. This is preparing us for the total Solar Eclipse on August 21, which will fall across the United States, marking an epic beginning with far-reaching impacts. The question now is: What can we release to make way for a big shift? What do we truly desire that we’ve been afraid to call in?

Lunar Eclipses leave us little choice but to be honest with ourselves. They brighten dark corners, exposing what we normally keep hidden—even to ourselves. Truth is ready to be revealed. We can find our seats, align our spines, and open our hearts, accepting ourselves fully, even our mistakes. Both personally and collectively, we can invite the breakdown and decay of whatever we've outgrown, making room for a fresh start.

With the Full Moon falling in Aquarius, we must be honest with ourselves, opening to change as we find the courage to let go. The chaos and restlessness of Aquarius generate creativity, change, and abrupt reversals of our normal patterns. Looking truthfully at our blockages and whatever is standing in the way of our fullest expression, we can correct course instantly, without shame or self-flagellation.

Whether we’ve been in toxic friendships or relationships, jobs that feel like drudgery, or addictive patterns that keep us from growing into the full spectrum of who we are, we may now face ourselves lovingly. We are ready to choose sanity, joy, and freedom over our familiar discontent and destructiveness. We may call in partners who help us to heal and grow, jobs that make use of our talents, fulfilling our hearts as we serve others, and we can find communities and tribes that resonate with us. Together, we are ready to stand up for our beliefs, fighting to establish a society that is founded in goodness and egalitarianism, rather than materialism, selfishness, and greed. In concentric circles, we are igniting our hearts and growing into ourselves—one person, family, friend group, and community at a time.

With the Solar Eclipse around the corner, preparing to launch us onto a new path, it would serve us now to face the light of the Full Moon, allowing the earth’s shadow to expose us—our obstacles, desires, and fullest potentials. On this magical day of auspicious coincidences and otherworldly feelings, may we set our intentions. May we face the entirety of our light and being as we leap into the unknown and limitless space.

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You can also read about the Astrology of August and the Astrology of 2017.